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Keywords and SEO, everything you need to know

By SEOPress. Free PDF.

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Keywords and SEO, everything you need to know

Meta keywords, focus keywords, target keywords, focus keyphrase demystified!

There are a lot of terms used to describe keywords: meta keywords, focus keywords, target keywords and even focus keyphrases. We are seeing some confusion about these different terms from our users and we thought it would be a good idea to run through them here on the SEOPress blog. Meta Keywords. The best known meta tag is the most useless The Keywords meta…

Finding SEO keywords for your WordPress site

Finding the right keywords is fundamental to SEO and should be a first step when starting a blog. Good keywords will be the pillar on which to build your SEO strategy. They will help you structure the navigation of your site, highlight the pages and posts you will have to write, calculate search engine advertising budgets and find sites that will link to you….

Optimize WordPress posts for a keyword

In a previous article we had a look at How to find keywords for your WordPress site. In this article we’ll have a look at how to optimize WordPress posts for a keyword. In a later article, we’ll look at how to structure your site (posts, categories and tags; parent-pages, pages, and menus) based on your keyword research. Download our Free Ebook “Introduction au…

Competitive Keyword Research When You Are Rich, an SEO Consultant

Finding keywords is an important first step in defining your SEO strategy. Keyword research is made much easier when you have access to dedicated tools and unfortunately the best ones cost money. In a 2020 survey ran by Aleyda Solis, she detected that most SEO’s have 2 to 4 different paid tools and that 26% of professionals paid over $13.000 per year for their…

30 Great Keyword Tips for WordPress SEO

Keywords are an essential part of SEO. Adding an SEO plugin like SEOPress to WordPress can help you research keywords, optimize pages for keywords and even track ranking for keywords in Google. To help you understand the different keyword-related jobs that need to be done in WordPress, we have compiled this list of 30 great keyword tips. These also refer to some tutorials that…

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