SEOPress Insights
Getting Started
- Connect your WordPress site to third-party services (Google, OpenAI, Matomo…)
- Optimize WordPress posts for a keyword
- Finding SEO keywords for your WordPress site
API / CLI / Dev
- How to setup Slack notifications with SEOPress Insights
- Filter the CSS of email notifications
- Filter the description of email notifications
- Filter the title of email notifications
- Filter the subject of email notifications
- Receive keyword rankings by email
- Filter rankings query used for email notifications
- How to Track Keyword Rankings
- Monitor and analyse your Backlinks with SEOPress Insights
- Track your keyword rankings in Google with SEOPress Insights
- Audit the backlinks of your WordPress site (in WordPress)
- The importance of backlinks
- How to increase the PHP memory limit for WordPress sites
- WordPress SEO Glossary
- WP_DEBUG: enable error logging in WordPress